Victorian Defence Industry Advocate (VDIA)

Page summary

Professor Regina Crameri VDIA

Professor Regina Crameri is currently the CEO and Founder of RAXSSI PTY (formerly AIR4), an organization dedicated to transforming science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM) education in Australia by encouraging students to pursue STEMM throughout their education, thereby increasing the talent pipeline for Defence industries. She is a member of the AMDA Foundation Awards committee and the Governance, Risk and Integrity Committee - Water Polo Australia. Previous non-executive directorships include the Pascoe Vale Returned Services League (RSL) and Presentation College Windsor.

Previously, she served as the Executive Director of Critical Technologies and Health at the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) and as the interim General Manager of Sectors. In these roles, she led international teams across various sectors, including Defence and Space, Critical Technologies, Health, International Education, Energy and Resources, and Agriculture. She was instrumental in developing strategic trade and investment pipelines, managing whole-of-government and industry stakeholder relationships, and influencing policy.

Professor Crameri has also been the Associate Director of the Defence Science Institute, where she facilitated research and development to ensure Victoria’s defence and national security sector remained globally competitive and innovative. More recently, she was the Associate Dean of the Allied Health, STEM College at RMIT.

In her 13-year tenure as a Senior Defence Scientist at the Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG), she focused on the health, human performance, and injury management of Special Forces soldiers and initiated the human biomarkers program. As a senior member of DSTG’s Technology Forecasting and Futures team, she developed methodologies to predict future technology trends.

She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Science from the University of Technology, Sydney, and a PhD in Exercise Science from the University of Sydney. She has held teaching positions at the University of Sydney and Concordia University in Canada and spent five years as a post-doctoral scientist at the prestigious Copenhagen Muscle Research Centre in Denmark.

In her spare time, she is a mother to five wonderful children.


Professor Crameri has been a member of the Defence Council Victoria (DCV) since October 2020. With her appointment as the Victoria Defence Industry Advocate (VDIA) she will assume the role of DCV Chair.


  • Non-executive directorships in defence and education portfolios.
  • General Manager and Executive Director roles across multiple sectors at Austrade
  • Senior Defence Scientist at the Defence Science & Technology Group (DSTG)
  • Associate Director of the Defence Science Institute
  • Associate Dean of the Allied Health, STEM College, RMIT
  • Teaching positions at the University of Sydney & Concordia University, Canada.


  • Graduate-Company Directors Course (AICD, Melbourne, Australia)
  • Digital Leadership (RMIT, Melbourne, Australia)
  • Talentidentify Leadership accredited practitioner (Melbourne Australia)
  • PhD in Biomedical Science (The University of Sydney, Australia)
  • BSc Hons (University of New South Wales, Australia)
  • B App Sc (University of Technology, Sydney, Australia)


  • AMDA Foundation Innovation Awards, AMDA Foundation Ltd
  • Governance, Risk and Integrity Committee, Water Polo Australia
Page last updated 28 Aug 2024
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