Land Forces 2024

Page summary

Land Forces International Land Defence Exposition 2024 (Land Forces 2024)

Held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre from Wednesday 11 – Friday 13 September, Land Forces 2024 was the largest defence industry event ever held in Australia.

Land Forces 2024 provided an interface between Australian, regional and international industry on every level, from Australian Defence Force customers to prime contractors, small to medium enterprises (SMEs) and start-up companies. With strong commitment from the Australian Army and substantial Asian, European and US industry presence, the event generated significant investment, export and employment opportunities for exhibitors and participants.

With record breaking stats across the board, the event saw:

  • 995 participating exhibitor companies/organisations from 31 nations
  • 25,675 visitor attendance from 46 nations
  • 240 defence, industry, government, and academic delegations, from 41 nations,
  • this included 16 International Chiefs of Army or their counterparts and 11 representatives; and
  • More than 70 conferences, symposia and presentations.

Find out more about Land Forces 2024

Page last updated 17 Oct 2024
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